Friday, August 15, 2008

Spain - Just Do It.

I think that Nike stole their slogan from the Spaniards. Before coming over here, I read and heard that Spaniards know how to live. It's true. Wanna know their secret? They just live and savor every moment. No waiting for the perfect thing or perfect time - just do It really resonates with me.

Had an amazing day yesterday and am still processing it today. I took the bus to Aviles, a larger town nearby and it was beautiful. When I arrived, I was cold and saw a church that I wanted to go into to warm up but it was closed. I opted to sit on the stone steps instead and soak up the rays. Ah, it was warm and I considered laying across the stone steps like a lizard but that would constitute bum-like behavior for sure, so i decided against it.

Walked past stores and people when I finally landed in a plaza. Had a cerveza, a great tapa similar to a hot pocket but much better and I watched. Saw a couple of boys playing with balloons. I love to watch kids play. They find amusement in the simplest of things and find so much joy in it. I think it's something we lose as we get older.

After Aviles, I hopped on the bus and headed to my beloved beach in Salinas. Sat down had a coffee and decided to paint. Pulled out my palette, paints, brushes, sketchbook, water bowl and started on the sketch I did the day before. As I laid down the first stroke of color; my hand shook. I thought it was from the coffee - but it wasn't.

I painted for a while then took a minute to examine my surroundings and what I was doing when a mysterious mist rolled in. I decided to pack it up and head back to the house. As I walked, I thought about my day and what I just did when a wave of emotion hit me so hard I had to sit down.

For years I have been trying to figure out what I wanted to do. I've tried many different things but they never quite fit. At times, it felt like I was banging my head against a brick wall. 

About this time last year, I handed the last $200 I made from a job I didn't like to Roz; teacher of The Artist's Way. The Artist's Way was a small class that teaches you how to recover your creative self and listen to your dreams. The very first thing she asked us to do was write down what our ideal life looks like. Here's what I wrote:

I want to travel to different places around the world take photos, draw, and paint things I see and also write stories about my experiences.

The tears start to come. And they are tears of joy and relief. I don't have kids but it was an emotion I would imagine you feel after giving birth. Everything I have done this past year up to this very moment has fit me like a glove.

I am living my ideal life.

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