Thursday, August 28, 2008

Playa Arnao

A much needed beach day and what a beach! 

Tio just couldn't understand why I didn't want to go to the big fiesta day in Aviles. After Medieval madness yesterday, I was set. "I don't understand you." he says shaking his head. Yeah, we'll he's not the first.

Pretty much, I can take large groups of people in small doses. Consuelo understands as she shakes her head in agreement. I told her I don't like to be smushed in (in a non-verbal communication). She totally gets it. 

Her and I have gotten into a similar vibe and I think it helps her understand me as well. At first she thought I was nuts bouncing in and out of the house. She doesn't leave it much so this must have been foreign and I probably looked crazy. Now she asks me "Are you going to the beach?" instead of "Where are you going???". I credit this all to me secretly turning down the TV when Tio leaves the room. She can't stand the volume and when I do this little thing she smiles - it goes a LONG way. 

I was set on finding Playa Arnao, a local known beach that you have to walk to in an out of the way place. Before I left though, I told Consuelo I would have a bit of lunch. Here's the thing, unless they see me physically put food in my mouth - they think I'm not eating. I'm eating more here than ever and I've eaten more swine than I care to think of. 

I try to eek out a small lunch but as soon as I sit down, Tio and Consuelo start filling the table with more items in an attempt to get me to eat more. "Why don't you like fruit?" "Why no wine?" "How 'bout some chocolate?" "Banana yogurt?" "You need to eat some meat!!" I quickly chow down and scramble out cause if I eat too much I need to siesta and I've got plans! 

I take the bus to an area where I need to start walking. Something about the bus here amazes me. The bus driver makes change. 

Seriously, I am mesmerized every time I go on it. You put your money on this platform and he/she has a cash drawer and makes change and produces a ticket. I've even seen one of them drive, give change and hand me a ticket all at the same time. It blows my mind - such skill.

I walk along the river of rats and I understand why they are there - it stinks!! Go through some areas that look like I'm walking through someone's yard until I get to a small tunnel and walk through. The beach pic above is the first thing I saw. 

It's great. A bit like the rock lounge cove with a bit more beach. There's a local vibe here more than Salinas which I have heard is a bit snooty. As it was explained, anytime a woman is walking in heels over cobblestone you know it's a bit 'o snoot. It's still nice over there too. I hang for a bit until the tide comes in and takes over the beach.
There's a cool bar built into the side of the hill and when the tide takes over, I decide to hike up there. A real mom and pop place where they also serve food. It smells so good, I decide to have a little and it's not bad. I try to pay the bartender off the bat and he waves me off, my fast American ways getting in the way again.

After I eat, I go to pay at the bar and see the family getting ready to have dinner (the mid-day meal) and it has everything I have been used to seeing for ours. Soup, salad, a big loaf of bread, meat, wine and a bit of pasta. It makes me smile and then think will I be able to handle not having a five course meal when I get back to Key West?

I head back home and immediately get some yogurt.

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