Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Madrid Day 2 - The Prado

I wanted to go to the Reina Sofia Art Museum today but it was closed so I hit the Prado instead. This guy was sitting across the street and I watched him paint for a bit. I tried to sneak in a photo until he said something. Now, my Spanish is progressing but I'm still picking up bits and pieces. I thought, he said something to me along the lines of charging me for taking the picture. He laughed and then said come here, photograph me. This was not the only ham I saw today.

He sat down and started painting. He quite enjoyed getting his picture taken and was really cool. 

The Prado was interesting. The best exhibit I saw was a battle scene series where the artist diagramed out all the battles around a city fortress. 

There was a lot of religious art. Now, I'm not a big fan of religious art. There's only so many times I need to see Jesus getting whacked. And after a while it's like how I felt in Catholic school "Ok, I got it already. Please stop."  

I will say I saw Jesus's penis today. Yes, that's right, el pene de Jesus. 

There was a cool three part painting depicting Jesus's life from child through death. I studied it closely and read the description. In the child part was a scene of Jesus's circumcision. 

A priest is going in for the snip; Mary looks wary and even Jesus has a look like "Do we really need to do this?" I sat and pondered how many times Jesus's penis has been shown and I couldn't think of one. So that was the most interesting religious art piece I saw today.

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