Friday, August 22, 2008


My body feels like it's unraveled and I'm getting into this whole slow down concept a little too much. Went to Aviles to find a medieval animal market but it was a no show.

I'm starting to understand the whole "siesta" concept a little too well. Don't know if it's the fact that I'm finally in relax mode or the fact that at mid-day, I eat a meal to choke a horse. Afterwards, all I want to do is lay down. And that's exactly what I did in Aviles. 

I went to the park with the idea to paint but when I saw a park bench, it was over. I've succumbed to the fact that there's no way of avoiding looking like a bum. And I don't care - it's bumtastic! 

I lay down on a park bench and put the backpack behind my head. Get a couple glances from some park-goers. One guy in particular who is speedwalking and wakes me up with his clip clop shoes. There's no middle ground on this - I'm gonna own it. When he comes around for his second lap I make sure I'm even more sprawled out on the bench accompanied by snoring.

I look up and notice some pretty leaves so I break out the camera and begin to take pics. Which causes me to get up and see what else is around. I find a part of the park that is dog free which means it's doodie free. Look around a bit and see this guy with the right idea siestaing under a tree. Ah, that looks comfy. So I try it in a patch of sun. Much better, this bum isn't that hardened yet and the grass feels good and soft.

When I get done laying around, I look up to find the guy staring at me with a look that says "Hey! Stop stealing my moves!" 

I can't it's BUMTASTIC!

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