Friday, September 5, 2008

Why is the Cemetary on a big ass hill?

About a week ago walking back from the beach, I saw a sign for a cemetary. Excited to find one, I started hiking up a giant hill to get to it. Wearing flip flops wasn't exactly the right thing to use to scale a big hill, so I stopped.

Today, the sun broke for a moment and that's when I decided to roll. As I huffed and puffed my way to the top, I thought - ¨Why put a cemetary on top of a big hill when if they're going to heaven - then shouldn't they be elevated to the highest point of all?¨ As I struggled a bit it came to me.

It's so the people going to hell have a farther and more difficult way to go.

Get to the top and it's a beautiful view of all of Piedras including the mountain range. I walk in past an old church which is chained up. Everything that is Catholic here is closed or you have to pay to get in. Must be why they have all the cool trinkets and costumes. After Tio asked Monica why I was looking for Yoga classes in town, she said maybe it had to do with the fact that I have been studying Buddhism. He has been showing me pictures of saints ever since. I've also been told that if I pray to the Virgin Mary and give her money all my wildest dreams will come true.

The cemetary is a bit run down but cool. They've got your standard headstones, coffin condos and then the crypts. I look into a couple of the crypts and see some freaky Jesus head statues. I decide to walk down a row of crypts but get a funny feeling about it. Chicken? NO, not me.

Walking down the line it's a little odd and then I suddenly get hit with a bit of dizziness. Something's here and I don't particularly like it. It's then that I decide it's time to go. Walking out of the cemetary I feel a little off but that quickly subsides when I see a condom wrapper in the grass and start laughing.

On the way back down, I notice a Spanish McMansion. It's huge and has a big yard complete with standard fruit trees and a side house. The side house is used on farms to store food in and it's on pylons to keep out the rats. This one looks more like a rec room complete with an air hockey table than something used to store beans. Good to know that overgrowth isn't just an American phenomenon.

Finally, I was in the plaza this morning writing when I saw Jesus (my friend not the prophet). He told me he saw me on TV at the beach in Salinas. I laughed and said ¨You saw that?¨ I haven't even seen it. The most important question I had for him was: ¨Did you understand what I said?¨ He nodded and repeated the entire interview for me.

It's nice to know that even Jesus understands me.

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