Sunday, September 14, 2008

These boots were made for walkin'

I am Arturo's grandaughter. That is for sure. 

It is always interesting to speak with Tio. Being over here gives me an opportunity to see how the other half lives but it's also a good mirror in which to see how I live. You really don't get to examine how you are living your life until you take yourself out of it for a while. 

After being out the whole day and arriving back at the house around 9:00pm Tio starts talking to me about walking. He just doesn't get it. He asks me if I do this in Key West and I tell him yes accompanied by some bike riding. 

"You do this during the day? But you work, when do you sleep?" he asks. 

I look back at my life in the U.S. and surprisingly rattle off my schedule. "I work at night and am on the water 2-3 days a week. I sleep from 1:00am to 9:00am. Then I get up, ride my bike, paint, go to the beach". I don't even tell him that I'm on my feet in all my jobs too. 

My grandfather would understand. Anytime I saw him he was on his way out. Always was on the move, he told me proudly how he walked at least a mile a day. He used to play pro-soccer so maybe after he retired from the sport, someone forgot to tell his feet. In any case, he always had a smile on his face.

Tio doesn't think it's good to be walking so much. I try to explain it another way: "You work all day in the farm, it's the same thing." 

"No, it's not." because he tells me he's moving his whole body working in the field. I laugh and tell him I'm not just walking for 12 hours straight. I walk, sit, climb, swim, read, paint, watch. "There's a lot of things to see and do." I explain.

He thinks I need to sit more.

There's a lot of sitting in life. Behind a computer. In front of a TV. And a lot of times it involves watching what someone else is doing. 

Speaking of which, time to go... It's a beautiful day outside. 

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