Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I think Jesus is stalking me

It's been a strange couple of days. Something is definitely in the air.

Been trying to gather information for some side trips and just taking it easy. Going to my favorite spot to meditate, read, paint and listen to some podcasts I recently downloaded. I hate to say it but I'm a news junkie and yesterday I listened to Bob Woodward's interview with 60 minutes, a news story about the overfishing of tuna, the DNC convention speeches and Bill Maher. Gotta love Itunes.

There's this great spot over the water I found. I was looking out over it noticing the beautiful array of colors when my friend Angie Arkin's meditation CD popped on and the track was Color Meditation. Talk about perfect timing. Each color she mentioned I was able to find it somewhere in the landscape before me. It's my favorite one to do right now.

The cave trip was interesting to say the least and I've decided that it's the last time I'll be getting in a car with Tio which has caused some unfortunate side effects. I haven't told him it but I know he senses it. Could be from how I bolted out of the car when we got back to the house. Stubborn male pride blocking any ability to see and know their limits is really not my thing.

I've been thinking a lot about control. Control freaks have it tough. The need to control everything seems to cause so much frustration and misery. Sometimes you just have to let go. Things change constantly and you've got to roll with it. Something I've learned a lot in the last year.

Getting to know the locals a little too well. Jesus has been seeking me out on a daily basis - if he can find me. Yes, I have begun to hide from Jesus. It wouldn't be the first time.

He really likes to talk my ear off and he keeps telling me I need a companion. This morning while I was looking into some bus routes he came up and started to chat. He asked why I wasn't here yesterday at this time. Wouldn't bother me too much if I had already drank my morning dose of coffee or if I didn't have a strange encounter yesterday.

I sat in this beautiful spot on a shaded bridge to paint. I've gone there a couple times but yesterday I had one guy circle around me a few times. He was ok, but it's a weird place to circle back a few. Checked to see what he was up to once which was walking slowly and occassionally looking back at me. I was too busy painting to be worried about it.

Till the next guy showed up. An older guy who stopped to talk about what I was doing. I stopped to answer his questions as best I could. Was in the painting haze and having a hard time snapping into Spanish. Told him I knew a little Spanish and he kept saying "How beautiful. How beautiful." Thought he was talking about the painting until he grabbed my face. Then he tried to come in for a kiss. I shook my head loose from his grab and pointed to my cheek. Had to do that twice before he got the hint. No need to worry, but was a bit freaky.

As he walked off looking back at me, I decided it was time to pack up and take off. Can't go back to that space for a little while which sucks cause I like it a lot. But I definitely don't need another one tracking my schedule.

Was it the TV interview in my bikini? Or is it that I've now been here long enough that people know who I am? In any case, it's time to shake things up a bit and fly under the radar.

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